What is a Custom Model?
Custom Models are created exclusively for your needs. Our expert engineers will get a deeper understanding of your problems and create a solution uniquely capable of solving those with AI.
Custom Models are where AI gets really interesting. All of our generic models provide a great assistance with generic writing and creating of content. They do not however go deep into a problem of an individual or business or create something uniquly tailored towards those needs. To get the most out of AI, you need to train it for a specific usecase. When we create a model to put out to everyone, we do so with the knowledge that it will help the most people possible without going too much in depth.
Custom Models go much deeper. By finetuning and curating a dataset with your own data or data you aspire to produce, we can create something that gives your business a secret weapon and an advantage over everyone else. A unique AI model that only you have access to, solving your problems and giving you the outputs you want.
Automate Repetitive Tasks
Creating content regularly is repetitive and can be automated in ways with a Custom Model. We have worked with many clients in many different industries helping them to automate repetitive tasks and nothing makes us happier than hearing that we have helped a business with a process that they had multiple staff members handling prior to our solution coming online.
We'll be writing more in depth on case studies in time on how these solutions have helped with specifics. Three of our favorite Custom Model solutions so far involve turning YouTube video tags into complete sentences, creating short captions based on photography and extracting job titles from job descriptions.
There are so many ways that your business could benefit from a Custom Model and we often find that the tasks which seem insignificant have the biggest impact. If you'd like to discuss a Custom Model for your business, contact us today.
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